
Strangers and Foreigners (A Poem for the New Year)

Strangers and foreigners of the earth
Lie down
by the River of Zion
Cry out your hearts
to Whatever
and Whoever
Will hear your cry
Who will truly hear you cry out?
The way stretches out
Urging you
to carry on
Despite no one
to lean on
Dim December
looms as shadow
Memories drift
and float like ghosts
like hovering hosts.
January tiptoes forth
with hope
Pathways lined
with spirit guides
Take one step,
Stranger, take another
Aliens traveling
Strangers and foreigners to the earth
Lie down by the River of Zion
Take my heart as your pillow
Softly now Stranger, to cry on.
“They confessed that they were strangers and foreigners on the earth...seeking a homeland.”
Hebrews 11:13

Thankful for what I see

I have been mute.
That is what I see,
as I scan these scribbled pages
my own poetry
scratched and scrawled from
my own heart
Words made up of days and hours,
aches and pains,
sun and showers
I write what I see
what I know and don't know
I write what I feel
When words are just words
yet the simple flow
releases and pours out for me
the stuff of life and death
of hope and futility.
Thank God for poems,
for paper, for pens.
Brief fragments, words strung
together, recording
the passages, the roadblocks
rocks carried and dropped
And precious things:
sweet cat's purr
and dragonfly wings.

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