Saturday, December 22, 2012

2012 Update

Is it shyness or distraction or that "what the hell?" sense that prevents me from stream of consciousness blogging? I journal virtually every day of my life, yet my blog entries are a year apart. What the h---?!
The don't buy goods made in China challenge stays with me. I purchased a few on-sale Christmas gift bags today, pleased to see they were made in Oklahoma and Tennessee. I had picked up a different selection when I noticed the "made in China" imprint. I put it back. I'm not against the Chinese. I simply want to vote for American jobs with my cash.
This makes me wonder about a vitriolic young woman who thought participating in a campaign to impeach President Obama was worthy of her time and energy in Union Square the other day. I wonder if she checks her labels before buying? Or maybe I over-reacted when I shouted at her, "I love President Obama!" before crossing the street to browse the three levels of cooking goodies at Williams-Sonoma.
I have purchased goods made in China during the year. Two pair of K-Swiss tennis shoes (who would have thought the shoes could have been made anywhere but Switzerland? Call me naive.) I probably would have gotten them anyway. My feet are pretty important to me––like critical to my mental health––so I buy the footwear I need to continue playing through life.
There have been a few other inadvertent purchases, but there have also been numerous times I put things back on the shelf in a retail outlet after reading the label. Those were the feel-good moments of the year.
To anyone who stumbles on this unedited version of my thoughts I send wishes for a bright and love-filled Christmas and a New Year worthy of blogging about. Onward and upward...

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